A database of manufacturing companies in Higashiosaka City that can be used to find business partners 言語/Language 日本語
User Guide
Manufacturing in Higashiosaka
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言語/Language 日本語

Contact the coordinators

If you are looking for processing requests, prototypes, custom-made products, parts procurement, or partner factories, our coordinators will introduce you to potential companies.

・Please be as specific as possible in your inquiry.
・We will not respond to inquiries that are sales-related, solicitation-related, or of unclear purpose.
・We will not use personal information for any other purpose than to respond to your inquiry or to respond appropriately to your comments. (For details, please refer to the Notes on Use ).

Company Name

e.g. 東大阪株式会社 or Higashiosaka Inc.

Title and affiliation

e.g. General Manager, Sales Department


⁕ Required

e.g. 東大阪 太郎 or Taro Higashiosaka

Name (Kana)

e.g. ヒガシオオサカ タロウ


e.g. 東大阪市荒本北 1-1-1

Phone Number

⁕ Required

e.g. +81 699999999

Email Address

⁕ Required

e.g. higashiosaka@higashiosaka.company.co.jp

Please re-enter your email for confirmation

Inquiry Details

⁕ Required

Please fill in the details of your inquiry as much as possible


Please attach drawings or images if necessary

How did you find out about the Higashiosaka Tech Plaza?

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