Higashiosaka Tech Plaza is a business matching site that connects companies looking for business partners for processing requests, parts procurement, prototyping, etc., with manufacturing companies in Higashiosaka City that have excellent technical capabilities.
You can search for companies that meet your needs from over 1,200 manufacturing companies in Higashiosaka City.
From the search results screen, move to the introduction page of each company and contact them by phone, fax, email, etc. If you want to contact multiple companies at once, you can select the relevant companies from the search results screen and make inquiries by email all at once.
After making an inquiry, please negotiate directly between companies to solve the problem.
If you have trouble finding an ordering company, please consult with a coordinator. Experienced coordinators will introduce companies that meet your conditions from among the companies in Higashiosaka City.
Please contact the companies you are interested in directly from the companies introduced by the coordinator. The interaction between companies, such as inquiries and negotiations on transaction conditions, will be conducted directly. Find a new partner company to solve your problems.