Higashiosaka City has about 5,500 factories, which is one of the highest numbers in Japan. With a high density of business establishments and a regional characteristic where basic technologies are accumulated, a wide variety of products are produced. Higashiosaka is regarded both domestically and internationally as a city that can produce anything, and that has everything.
Number of business establishments per 1 km² of available land area.
⁕ calculated using the area of inhabitable land according to "Statistics of Municipalities 2020"
The manufacturing industry in Higashiosaka City is characterized by the fact that 90% of its companies are not affiliated with large corporations. Unlike the pyramid structure often seen in company towns, they have built a diverse network with nearby cooperative factories.
By forming an organic division of labor system, each company has specialized in its own field of expertise and improved its own unique technology that differentiates it from its competitors. Many companies are engaged in their own original products, and their advanced technologies and corporate networks enable them to manufacture high-quality products.
A small number of large companies and affiliates.
About 90% of the companies in Higashiosaka City are not affiliated with large companies. Many core companies are connected to neighboring partner factories through an extensive and interwoven network.